Student storage in Roehampton

Studying in Roehampton, looking for some self storage?
From a single box, to an entire furnished flat. LOVESPACE have the storage solutions for you.
Studying in Roehampton, looking for some self storage?
From a single box, to an entire furnished flat. LOVESPACE have the storage solutions for you.
Need the furniture in your student flat storing for the summer? We have storage units for this. If you only need some boxes storing, we offer a by-the-box service.
Students in Roehampton can take advantage of a multitude of different storage packages – from rolling monthly plans to full year deals, we offer flexible self storage packages that suit every student.
LOVESPACE take care of the entire storage process, so you don’t have to. We collect your items, store them for as long as you wish, then deliver them back to you at your request! Offering sensational levels of flexibility, value and convenience.
We cover other areas too. When you’re ready to book, just tell us your home address to see your collection options.
See our servicesLOVESPACE have provided our exceptional self storage solutions to students from all around the world. Have a look at some of their reviews below.
We make storage easy - so give us a call, email or contact us on live chat if you've got any questions about our storage units, self storage or anything else we might help you with!
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