Student storage in Robert Gordon

Are you a student at Robert Gordon? In need of some self storage?
Solutions ranging from a single box to an entire student unit.
Are you a student at Robert Gordon? In need of some self storage?
Solutions ranging from a single box to an entire student unit.
Heading back home for a semester? Need some boxes storing? Our by-the-box service is perfect for you. Maybe you need a lot of heavy furniture put into storage for a while? We have storage units for this.
LOVESPACE offer a wide range of price plans for students at Robert Gordon University. Starting from a rolling monthly contract to a full calendar year. Designed to give you the upmost value.
Students love the convenience and value that we can offer through our services. Once you’ve placed your collection order, we will come directly to your accommodation at Robert Gordon.
We cover other areas too. When you’re ready to book, just tell us your home address to see your collection options.
See our servicesFrom local Aberdeen students, to international students studying in the UK, we’ve helped them all. Check out what they have to say about us!
We make storage easy - so give us a call, email or contact us on live chat if you've got any questions about our storage units, self storage or anything else we might help you with!
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